• Odds and Ends,  Updates

    A Question of Motivation

    Here we are at the very end of August 2021, and I’m feeling like I’ve simultaneously gotten nothing and a bunch of things done over the course of the year so far. When it comes to fiber arts related things, I feel like I’ve made really good progress. I’ve completed six challenges (some self-selected and some from outside sources, which is way more than my goal of three challenges), and I’m making a bit of a dent in my fiber stash without buying too much just because it’s pretty. I’ve gotten the newest antique wheel repaired (hopefully more on that later). I’m maintaining a fairly consistent “making” habit, though I…

  • Updates


    One of the things I’ve noticed about myself is that having external motivation (and sometimes, deadlines) is really important for getting things done. Just having a box to check at some point during the day makes me feel like I’ve accomplished something (even if it’s been one of those days where just getting out of bed, managing my hair, and putting calories and caffeine in myself is a challenge). On those days when I’m on the struggle bus, it’s even more important that the box to be checked is really just about progress. This challenge wasn’t about completing certain projects – it was about doing *something* fiber related for at…