Living History Resources

Clothing History/Construction

Multiple Time Periods

Patterns of Fashion 5
The content, cut, construction and context of bodies, stays, hoops and rumps c. 1595-1795
by Janet Arnold, Jenny Tiramani & Luca Costigliolo with Sébastien Passot, Armelle Lucas & Johannes Pietsch
The School of Historical Dress, 2018
Detailed discussion of support garments from the late 16th through 18th centuries, along with images, patterns, and construction notes on a range of extant garments.

Spectrum of Fashion
Maryland Historical Society exhibition catalogue
Curated by Alexandra Deutsch, with Allison Tolman and Emily Bach
Articles written by Alexandra Deutsch, Barbara Meger, Nora E. Carlson, and Norah Worthington
Maryland Historical Society, 2019
Survey exhibit of some of the garments and accessories in the MHS’s collections, which range from 1729 to 2019. Items are grouped by color, and tend to represent higher status fashions, though the exhibit includes several livery items. Articles in the catalog discuss history of the collection, notable individuals in Maryland fashion, and history of two individuals whose names were found on the labels of 19th century livery items in the collection.


18th Century

18th Century Embroidery Techniques
by Gail Marsh
Guild of Master Craftsman Publications Ltd., 2012
Good overview of tools, materials, and techniques used by embroiderers in the 18th century. Lots of good photographs and sketches of garments and items using the techniques.