• Odds and Ends,  Updates

    A Question of Motivation

    Here we are at the very end of August 2021, and I’m feeling like I’ve simultaneously gotten nothing and a bunch of things done over the course of the year so far. When it comes to fiber arts related things, I feel like I’ve made really good progress. I’ve completed six challenges (some self-selected and some from outside sources, which is way more than my goal of three challenges), and I’m making a bit of a dent in my fiber stash without buying too much just because it’s pretty. I’ve gotten the newest antique wheel repaired (hopefully more on that later). I’m maintaining a fairly consistent “making” habit, though I…

  • Updates

    Fits and Starts

    Back at the beginning of the year, I set some goals for myself. I’m doing pretty well at getting two blog posts done each month (even if I just squeak them in by writing the draft on the last day of the month and publishing it in on first day of the next month). I’m close to finishing the second of three fiber arts related challenges I’ve set for myself. But my other goal – completing six living history projects in 2021 – is going much less well. How much less well? As of April 28th, I’ve completed one of the six projects. And I completed that *on* the 28th.…

  • Odds and Ends,  Updates

    A Year Without Events

    I certainly didn’t expect 2020 to be ending this way, and looking back at my post from May, I really wasn’t prepared for *everything* to be cancelled (either officially or unofficially because it seemed too risky to me). I’ve finally managed to finish the dark blue check linen apron I started ages ago. The cap and the patchwork pocket are still not finished, and I’ve added an embroidered pocket and a flame stitch pinball to my pile of history projects. There’s even some modern embroidery there. I finished a couple of books, but added even more to the stack. And we won’t even start on the spinning projects that are…

  • Odds and Ends

    Finding a Bit of Motivation

    At times, it can be hard to motivate myself to make time to work on the various creative projects that I’ve got floating around when I’ve got competing work and home demands (plus those whole eating healthy, getting to the gym, and sleeping things). I’ve currently got a scarf on the needles, and four spinning projects (two on drop spindles and two on spinning wheels). And of course I’ve got a couple fleeces to process and plenty of other bits of fluff on hand ready to spin. So when someone in one of the spinning groups I’m in on Facebook created a couple of 100 Day Projects (#100DaysOfFiberArt and #100DaysOfSpinning),…